Mardi Gras – Canceled

Twin Shores Clubhouse

Cocktails 5:00 - 6:00 Dinner 6:00 Rusty Norris Band 7:00 - 10:00 50/50 Drawing Tickets Bill & Sue Griswold #84, Al & Dottie Van Iten #1. Open to Twin Shores only until February 16th then open to others until February 20th


St. Patty’s Dinner and Dance

Twin Shores Clubhouse

Cocktails:  5:00 pm Dinner: 6:00pm Music and Dancing: 7:00 to 10:00 pm   -  Eddie Tobin Trio   Purchase Tickets:  Nancy Martin (#22), Linda Mckay (#57) or Cathy Enneper (#99) Open to All


Pool Party


3:00 Happy Hour and Pool Time 5:00 Dinner Hamburgers, hotdogs, Brats, Potato Salad and Mac N Cheese This is a free party Please let us know if you will be bringing a side dish, appetizer or desert Sign up sheet - located on tall table by back door in clubhouse.

Volunteer Luncheon

Yes there is a free lunch! Everything included. Luncheon to honor and show appreciation to our shareholders & renter volunteers & spouses.     Sign up by Mardh 22nd

Comedy Mystery Theater

Twin Shores Clubhouse

Dead or Alive Doors open at 6:00 pm play starts at 6:30 pm BYOB Snacks provided   Purchase Tickets from Karen Kroll #63 by March 25th. Tables can be reserved morning of play
