On the eve of Superbowl Sunday,,,almost done!!!

Status as of 11-1-18 pic 1

Status as of 11-1-18 pic 2

Status as of 11-1-18 pic 3

“Central Park” – the future location of the pool

Construction progress as of 8-22-18

Construction progress as of 8-11-18 pic 1

Construction progress as of 8-11-18 pic 2
******LATEST UPDATE…WE’RE GETTING CLOSER TO BEING FINISHED!!!! (see the first three pictures above)********
After many years of talk, speculation, etc., Twin Shores has broken ground on a beautiful swimming pool to be located in “Central Park” (site of the former shuffleboard courts). This is a huge step forward for our community and is only possible due to the amazing response to the board’s request for donations to help pay a significant portion of the cost (see below).
Status of the Pool project: after numerous meetings with contractors, electrician and our plumber, engineering and demolition of the shuffleboard courts were completed. We broke ground on the project in April. The obtaining of building permits is in progress, deck pavers and fencing have been selected. The project is anticipated to be completed by September 15 of this year, subject to any unanticipated delays.
Swimming Pool Fundraiser: Earlier this year, the Twin Shores Board of Directors approved proceeding with the construction of a swimming pool costing up to an estimated $127,500. However, the board’s approval was conditioned on first obtaining voluntary contributions of at least $50,000 for the project. A fundraising committee of volunteers held several fundraising projects that has successfully raised approximately $60,000 in donations to date. This has allowed the project to proceed on the current rapid timetable, a remarkable achievement.
Donations are still being accepted. Contact Jim Boltz at chicolago.aol.com.
Also, see https://www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/twinshores for more details purchasing engraved paver bricks to as a means of donating. We are happy to report that we have extended the introductory offer for brick purchases until July 1st. There is still time to have your customized paver brick placed in the decking around the pool!